Month: May 2011

Why is it only the Liberals who have a “brand”?

Don’t you get tired of hearing about the “Liberal brand”? It comes up in editorials and TV commentaries all the time. We never hear about the “NDP brand” or the “Conservative brand” or the “Green brand” (unless you’re talking about a sticker you put on appliances.) Just the “Liberal brand”. Somebody in the media started

Harper gets his majority. Layton gets a new house.

It was interesting watching the election coverage on the CBC last night. I think they did about 7 interviews with NDPers and maybe 3 with Conservatives. According to the coverage, the big story was the “orange crush” of the NDP. But once reality sets in time will demonstrate that there is not much substance to

How do you explain the rise of the NDP?

Something has gone awry in the Conservative push for a majority over the last two weeks. That the NDP have made it a game is not news anymore. Why this is happening is another question. Blame the media, sort of The Canadian media have been a big part of this story. Everyone in Canada knows