Blackberry Management Looks Like They’ve Thrown in the Towel

This has been a disastrous week for Blackberry supporters, loyalists, shareholders and employees. The most recent screw ups stink to high heaven – premature announcements of being up for sale, discouraging news of major losses and sweeping layoffs, a badly bungled launch of BBM, and now a disheartening offer to buy the company at well below what most felt it should go for.
Even Blackberry fans like the Crackberry bunch seem open to the possibility there has been some stock price manipulation going on. A number of things have come together to drive the share price down, just in time for a low ball offer from golden boy insider Prem Watsa.
Personally I like Blackberry products, but I am almost embarrassed to stick up for the company when they have acted so incompetently. Thorsten Heins, the previously out front and centre CEO is MIA. We’re not hearing a peep from him these days – just further evidence that Blackberry management has thrown in the towel.
Too bad. Blackberry still has a chance to rise from the ashes, but I can’t see that “going private” is going to do much for them. They need some energetic, positive management and a bunch of imaginative, practical ideas. The company already has some good products, some unique services, and more being released as we speak. It would certainly be good if there was an alternative to Apple, Google and Microsoft.