CBC Kitchener-Waterloo a welcome addition

A few years ago CBC started broadcasting to the K-W area at 89.1 FM because the Toronto frequency (99.1) had problems in this area. Then, several months ago 89.1 was elevated to a full regional station with local K-W news and events coverage and a local staff.

I’ve been listening to CBC Toronto since I was pretty young. My first memories of the CBC were hearing “Voice of The Pioneers” on my dad’s radio on Sunday mornings.
In spite of some concerns that CBC personnel and programming have been too consistently slanted to the left, I’ve always found myself going back for the interesting documentaries, thoughtful, insightful programs like “As It Happens” or “Ideas” and the presentation of sometimes famous, but more often little-known Canadian talent.
I’ve also found local radio to be pretty parochial… enough said….
Anyway, it’s good to hear the K-W area being given some coverage by our national broadcaster.